[OzzModz] Badges

[OzzModz] Badges 2.3.6 Beta 1

No permission to download
These are the only options I see on a particular badge. No option to manually add a user or list out users who have this badge.

Is there another page I am missing?

Would it be possible to make it so that specific badges can have viewing permissions?

I plan on adding some DBTech Credit specific badges for how much members have earned/spent, and for privacy purposes I am wanting to keep those visible only to staff and the specific user.

There are a few other non-addon related criteria where this may be useful as well.
Would it be possible to make it so that specific badges can have viewing permissions?

I plan on adding some DBTech Credit specific badges for how much members have earned/spent, and for privacy purposes I am wanting to keep those visible only to staff and the specific user.

There are a few other non-addon related criteria where this may be useful as well.

You can achieve this by using "User Promotions" features, like: If Spend X Amount on DBCredits, Promote to Usergroup "Paid Medals" and apply the user criteria on Medal configuration.

On Usergroup, you can set the view permissions.

But i don't think view permission would be a great idea, since is a exclusive Badge, is a great way to show some user their value and compromise with your site. Just make the value 'secret' on the Medal description, like: "This user is a great financial contributor and by that, you have a exclusive medal" or some **** like that.
You can achieve this by using "User Promotions" features, like: If Spend X Amount on DBCredits, Promote to Usergroup "Paid Medals" and apply the user criteria on Medal configuration.

On Usergroup, you can set the view permissions.

But i don't think view permission would be a great idea, since is a exclusive Badge, is a great way to show some user their value and compromise with your site. Just make the value 'secret' on the Medal description, like: "This user is a great financial contributor and by that, you have a exclusive medal" or some **** like that.
These are not donations; these are frequent transactions where some members will spend hundreds if not thousands of dollars. This is not the kind of information that should be publicly available to any one but staff or the individual themselves. The way badges were going to be used was to give back some of what was spent for milestones, which serves to also let people know what they have spent.

If a privacy setting is something @Ozzy47 does not want to add, I will just scrap the idea as there is not currently a viable workaround that accomplishes what I wish to do.

This would also be an optional setting, so if you don't think it's a great idea you can just not use it.
I seem to be having an issue with this badge being awarded


So what I did is change the criteria to award it if the member is a member of a selected usergroup and it worked first time.
How would you manually award a badge as I just don't seem to see a way of doing this other than using the "Award this badge if" criteria?
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How would you manually award a badge as I just don't seem to see a way of doing this other than using the "Award this badge if" criteria?
In user profile page or user profile tooltip > action menu
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@Ozzy47 some expressions are missing to translate in Options:
  • Last 15 minutes
  • Last 30 minutes
  • etc...
  • Disabled (Dangerous performance impact!)
  • Most recent badges
  • Oldest badges
  • Displayed (featrured badges only)
Some in Style properties too:
  • Message featured badges
  • Profile featured badges
  • Member tooltip featured badges
In user profile page or user profile tooltip > action menu
Ooof. That's a bit of a slog when we award 20 badges at once for an event or contribution. Might have to put in a request for an Admin CP page to add badges to multiple users at once like with bd medal.
Not sure if I've had something set up wrong but I've had to revert back to the VersoBit addon.

Using this one - Link Directory (Bob), Referrals (Siropu), Social Groups (truonglv) weren't awarding badges for various criteria settings. I also had a donations badges (Donations addon by Siropu) set to repeat (for multiple donations) and it awarded a user the badge 6 times when they had only donated twice.

Re-enabled the VersoBit addon and ran the cronjob and all the badges were awarded correctly (minus the repetitive one) using that, so I'm not sure where I've gone wrong using this.
Usually the extra criterias added by 3rd party addons are hooked into the core system, which means they should work across all addons. So, a criteria created by Referrals can be used in this addon for example.

I assume that there is a bug. I assume the standard criteria works but the extra criterias don't work, which should. But it needs to be tested.
I seem to be having an issue with this badge being awarded

View attachment 263613

So what I did is change the criteria to award it if the member is a member of a selected usergroup and it worked first time.

@Ozzy47 After trying all sorts of things I finally found when using this criteria on a test notice the notice does not display only when Badges add on is enabled. So this seems to have something to do with this add on after all.
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