XF 2.3 No more push notifications


Well-known member
I recently moved domains and push notifications did not come with the move.


Is there a setting that I can reset to ask users to enable push notifications again? I don't think it carried over for them either. Change the cookie prefix? Anything?

I had them set on the previous domain, but they no longer work on the new domain. I was never prompted to enable them on the new domain once the transfer took place either.
from my understanding, xenforo would ask for push notification on a fresh login. if users had to login again after domain move, it should have been prompted to everyone logging in. changing cookie prefix iirc logs everyone out so it should do the needful as well 🤔 i think.

changing cookie prefix iirc logs everyone out so it should do the needful as well 🤔 i think.
Looks like they got a new cookie and had to log in again with their old credentials.

However, nobody was prompted for the push notifications on the move though, and those with push notifications (me), changed from having them to not having them.

@Jeremy P ?
Push subscriptions are scoped to an origin/domain, so users will need to resubscribe. I'm not sure off-hand why they wouldn't be prompted again when visiting the new domain. Does the option show up under account preferences?

Check your new server's PHP settings to make sure the GMP extension is installed and running, especially if you see related errors in the forum's error log.
If the option doesn't appear in preferences then it points to push notifications being disabled, the user not having permission to receive them, or the environment not supporting it (ie. the request is considered insecure).
Check your new server's PHP settings to make sure the GMP extension is installed and running, especially if you see related errors in the forum's error log.
GMP is enabled. I merely created a new domain on the server and asynced all the files, copied the database to a new one, changed the database name/password.
If the option doesn't appear in preferences then it points to push notifications being disabled, the user not having permission to receive them,

Is it this one? I seem to recall setting it to No after I enabled mine (first users) because I thought that meant the users (in Registered) could send push notifications. Is this for them to enable it and receive them? It is an odd phrasing, but also not under Moderator privileges, so to be safe I set it to No...

And if it is, and I set it to Yes, will users be prompted to enable push notifications, or is it too late for older users and will it only apply to new members?
It’s for receiving them.
That would explain it then.

Alternative phrase suggestion for future releases "Receive push notifications" as "Use" can go both ways (as you can use them in the ACP to send push notifications).

I hope after setting it to Yes, users will get the popup to enable them again...
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