No media queries around .contentRow.contentRow-extra


Well-known member
Affected version
.contentRow is used in various lists, notable search results where the span contentRow-title can have quite long text value as it is user supplied.

When mixed with contentRow-extra this works on desktop, but on a mobile results in unexpected formatting as the float:right is forcing a line-break inside words for the title component.

	<div class="contentRow">
		<div class="contentRow-main">
			<div class="contentRow-extra contentRow-extra--small">
				AaBbCcDdEe FfGgHhIiJj KkLlMmNnOoPpQq RrSsTtUuVvW wXxYyZz
			<h3 class="contentRow-title">
				AaBbCcDdEe FfGgHhIiJj KkLlMmNnOoPpQq RrSsTtUuVvW wXxYyZz

The float:right is also preventing contentRow-extra blob from word-wrapping itself
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