XF 2.1 news feed


in-order to get better news feed i thought about following forums to get the threads in news feed and is it possible?:unsure:
there have watched forums but it just give notification while there have new threads
i need something that shows the desire threads by users not by following users or watched forums because it just shows the whole forum not threads
i hope someone will help me :)
You might like my suggestion to customize the upcoming Search Forums feature to include more personalized content:

You might like my suggestion to customize the upcoming Search Forums feature to include more personalized content:

this way that i considered its simpler than this i guess
its allow the members to follow the forums to see whats going on in the forums its kind a better news feed we can say ( forums news feed)
Appears you do. The same exact question as this thread with the exact same username posted on a nulled site.
yes your right ! im not even posted in there , i have posted in around 5 places to get the answer , its not addon or something that i install its customization support i will not take a bad effect to my forum by them maybe there have someone in there to fix it even i posted in arabic places
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