XF 2 Need dev to create an automatic word linking add-on [PAID REQUEST]


Hey everyone,

I'd like to see if somebody would be able to develop an add-on for XF2 that is similar in function to this vBulletin 4 plugin:
The purpose of this mod is to automatically turn keywords or phrases you specify into links. You set a list of keywords and a list of URLs to link them to and let the mod do the rest.

Basically, I run a sports website and I'd like to have it so that when somebody says certain words or names, it will automatically turn the word(s) into a link. The plugin on vBulletin used a CSV on my server but I would think it might be easier if this just reads from a separate database perhaps. Though I am open to any suggestion on what would make it work best.

Shoot me a message if you're interested.
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