Necessary and recommended PHP extensions for XF 2.1


Well-known member
If we were to setup a Linux box for state-of-the art XF 2.1 environment from scratch and wanted to use PHP 7.2 (or 7.3 when out), what would be mandatory, recommended, and nice to have PHP extensions (or other libraries/packages)? We would like to keep the system minimal (as in no unnecessary packages), but without any compromise on features, performance, and security. This box would be optimized for production environment, not for development.

Note: I know there is a requirements checker script, but that only checks for bare necessities.
The requirement checker script is going to be your best bet. There are few extensions that if not specifically taken advantage of would do any good.

The one exception to that which I can think of is Zend Opcache. It might be in your OS's package manager as "php-opcache" or something similar. It will do a good bit to speed up your site.
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Can I apply the same on regular CentOS 7.6, including
not exactly, installer script is specific to Centmin Mod LEMP stack users where nginx web server runs as nginx user/group.
not exactly, installer script is specific to Centmin Mod LEMP stack users where nginx web server runs as nginx user/group.

Haven't noticed some significant speed improvement with single Redis instance. Is it necessary to setup all 3 to see the difference?
Improvements will be minor as all redis cached requests still have to go via php processing and only really will notice on high concurrency level traffic patterns. Better than not having it enabled but it won't be significant.
For what is my little knowledge I understand that, as far as optimisation goes, OPcache is a no brainer and should always be enabled.
Then the most two popular choices are
  • Memcached
  • Redis
But from the look of them it seems memcached is less powerful but easier to set up.
Redis on the other hand gives more optimisation / speed but more complicated to set up and use.
For a not too experienced sysadmin would you suggest memcached?
Do both work with PHP 7.3?
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