XF 2.2 Login Broken: Redirects User to Register after XF 1.5 to 2.2


Active member
We just upgraded Android Forums from XF 1.5 to 2.2 and none of our members can properly login:

Trying to login brings them to the register page. Some have found a workaround to do a password reset but it only works temporarily.

Does anyone know what could have caused this? Any solutions or suggestions of things to try?

I already tried to rebuild the User Cache which took several hours and did not improve the situation.
If there are no third party add-on or style issues involved then I would have to go with something server side, such as caching.

I've upgraded many forums from XF 1 to XF 2 and have never encountered that issue.
If there are no third party add-on or style issues involved then I would have to go with something server side, such as caching.
Yeah, no add-ons or styles. Stripped everything out and using default theme. Not sure what caching we were using before or how that might impact what's on the site now but is there anyway to flush everything cached and/or reset everyone's cookies etc?
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