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keving´s Latest Threads Ticker

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I´ve done a reup of the Files. Now it should be everything quit clear ;)
PC your url. From here I can not reproduce it, because in chrome (for me) everything is ok
Just try to copy the include line into the xenporta template where you want to display it.
It should display ;)
I tried using this code but it doesn't work...Any ideas??

class LatestThreadTicker_EventListener_TemplateHookListener
    public static function templateHook($hookName, &$contents, array $hookParams, XenForo_Template_Abstract $template)
        if ($hookName == 'page_container_notices')
            $contents .= $template->create('ltt_ticker');
I tried using this code but it doesn't work...Any ideas??

class LatestThreadTicker_EventListener_TemplateHookListener
    public static function templateHook($hookName, &$contents, array $hookParams, XenForo_Template_Abstract $template)
        if ($hookName == 'page_container_notices')
            $contents .= $template->create('ltt_ticker');

Try using this:instead on porta:

<xen:include template="ltt_ticker" />
in EWRporta_Portal

<xen:if is="{$xenOptions.EWRporta_breakout}"><xen:require css="EWRporta_BreakOut.css" /></xen:if>
<xen:include template="ltt_ticker" />

A friend just told me that the js script is causing 100% CPU on a unix based system. Anyone can confirm that?
I was able to solve the problem I mentioned in this post

this is my code for the EXTRA.CSS
.left #ticker-title span{
I hope that there will be no problem with other browsers.
Muchas Gracis ati ;)
Ich adde deinen Fix mal im 1. Thread um ne komplette Übersicht zu haben
Thanks, very nice mod. I place it above TaigaChat.
One minor issue: the control buttons(next, previous etc.) don't show up.
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