Is it good to use a third party style/theme with its own framework?


Active member
Will it be very difficult to make modifications on top of the original style? And will it cause a lot of compatibility issues with different add-ons?

I've been trying to making my own style with some add-ons and extra.less, but seems it can never reach the level of those commercial styles regarding functionality and aesthetic.
Will it be very difficult to make modifications on top of the original style? And will it cause a lot of compatibility issues with different add-ons?

I've been trying to making my own style with some add-ons and extra.less, but seems it can never reach the level of those commercial styles regarding functionality and aesthetic.

Depends. My UIX themes have been mostly ok over the years but definitely not problem free. A few popular addons definitely bring issues and many addon authors won't touch or write around UIX so you're dependent on TH to fix their issues which in the case of themes won't happen any time soon unless it's a major breaking issue.

In hindsight if I were to roll back the years I would have gone with a more lightweight theme and customized accordingly in a more thoughtful manner.
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