Individual CSS Element Styles in the Alert Menus


Well-known member
I'm doing heavy customization to the alert menus, and this issue is driving me crazy.

In navigation_visitor_tab, the hidden alert menu divs (#ConversationsMenu, #AlertsMenu, etc.) have the following style properties directly applied to them (there's some variation in the pixel values between the different menus).

style="left: 836px; top: 101px; visibility: visible; display: none;"

The problem is that there's no trace of these properties in the corresponding divs inside navigation_visitor_tab. How can I edit these values?
That inline styling is part of your custom style. Try searching for it:

Admin CP -> Appearance -> Search Templates

The template code might not be exactly the same as the output for the purpose of searching. But the raw html parts should be there. For example, search for style= in the relevant templates. And make sure you are searching the same style you are viewing.
I've tried searching for it, but came up empty. Upon closer inspection, I've now realized the style attribute isn't in the page's source, but it's being shown in Firebug as part of the corresponding divs. This also occurs in the default template set (and even here on

I suppose these values are set dynamically with Javascript so they know in which "direction" to open, and like avatar sizes, have been hard-coded into the software... :unsure:
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