Implemented IndexNow - Instantly index content in Search Engines


Active member
It would be nice to implement new IndexNow protocol that websites can call to notify Bing whenever website contents on any URL is updated or created allowing instant crawling, and discovery of the URL.
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I would like to see this implemented as well. I know the competitor software (don't want to link it here) just released a big writeup of all their SEO changes coming with their next update. They have this feature implemented as well along with other improvements.
Cloudflare has this feature I believe. Currently with a waiting period. I got it few days ago and I have noticed that Bing has indexed recent content which it usually never does. Not sure if this feature is the reason or I just do not check Bing enough to see changes over a longer period of time.

Fact remains, search engines already have access to rss feed and sitemaps to monitor changes on websites. I am not sure why this feature would not become irrelevant once it is adopted by a large number of sites in coming years.

Native support for it would be nice to have of course.
Implemented in 2.3.

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