XF 2.0 Image resize for signatures


Well-known member
I have this code in my Extra.less to resize images in signatures:

.message-signature .bbWrapper .bbImage {
max-width: 500px;
max-height: 100px;
overflow-x: auto;
overflow-y: auto;

But for some reason, at random, when I go on a thread, sometimes two users have the same image but when refreshed, it displays the true image for the users. Does this have anything to do with that code?

This should not have been moved because even though I made a customisation, I just removed the resize code from the Extra.less and it is still doing that.
As seen in the screenshots provided. The user: AkameCrimson has his own signature image and the user: PlayboyBunny has his own too. They have had that image there for months. But i just noticed when I land on the thread page with both users posted on, the signature for AkameCrimson changes to the PlayboyBunny one but it should not do as he has his own image. As soon as you refresh it goes back to normal. Sometimes when I land on the thread, they are fine. Other times, they are not. You can see this happening when you continuously refresh too. Seems odd if it has anything to do with caching.
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