XF 2.2 Image embed limits not working - interpreted as attachments instead?


Active member
I was testing image embeds using the "Insert Image" button on the WYSIWYG editor as we are trying to find an alternative to imgur uploads that most of our forum members have been using, in order to avoid broken image links and hotlinking in general.

The issue we are running into is that the site is seemingly interpreting .png images as "attachments" instead of image embeds. These are separately defined as per the following thread found here on the XF Community:

Here, it is reported by multiple members that the ACP>Setup>Options>Messages>"Maximum images per message" apparently supersedes ACP>Setup>Options>Attachments>"Maximum attachments per message". However, with "Maximum images per message" set to 0 (unlimited), I am still receiving an error when I attempt to insert images using the "Insert Image" button:


Why is this the case? Is there another setting I need to be changing to enable media embedding to count separately from "file" attachments? We do not want to allow unlimited "file" attachments, we only want to allow unlimited image attachments (up to a user group defined quota)
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