XF 2.0 How to xen comment?


What is the format for xen comment in XF2? <xen:comment> is showing everything inside it in my templates.

This text is showing in my templates.

Thank you.
It seems that the template text is still shown with that xf:commt;
the same like with <!-- -->

Is there nothing to have a

<xf:comment in template>, but no code in the page?


<div class="structItem-cell structItem-cell--icon structItem-cell--iconEnd">
<div class="structItem-iconContainer">
<xf:if is="$xf.visitor.isIgnoring($thread.last_post_user_id) OR $thread.discussion_type == 'redirect'">
<xf:avatar user="{{ null }}" size="xxs" />
<xf:else />
<xf:avatar user="{$thread.LastPoster}" defaultname="{$thread.last_post_username}" size="xxs" />

shows in source-code

<div class="structItem-cell structItem-cell--icon structItem-cell--iconEnd">
<div class="structItem-iconContainer">

<a href="/members/lala.111832/" class="avatar avatar--xxs avatar--default avatar--default--dynamic" data-user-id="111832" data-xf-init="member-tooltip" style="background-color: #755757; color: #c9b6b6" id="js-XFUniqueId9">
<span class="avatar-u111832-s">R</span>


I know your addon for that, but i want to this more times; now i will delete the template-code again like usual. More nicw would be to "comment" it to let it there, but not to have it in the source of the page.
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