How to insert the User Status in own signature (maybe a suggestion)


Well-known member
Hi all :)

I think that the best place to put the user status is (also) in own signature. In this way, the user status became visibile to all other users without any manual operation by the user

The question is: How to put user status in own signature?
I installed that addon to test this. You can use the updated code I have posted below, but there is a problem in that the status is not shown if the user has no signature. This is the best you can do given how that addon works.

		<xen:if is="{$visitor.content_show_signature} && {$message.signature}">
		<div class="baseHtml signature ugc">
			<xen:if is="{$message.status}">
				<div>My status: {$message.status}</div>
			<xen:if is="{$message.signature}">
				<div>{xen:raw $message.signatureHtml}</div>
				messages: {$message.message_count} |
				likes: {$message.like_count} |
				points: {$message.trophy_points} |
				registered: {xen:date $message.register_date}
				<xen:if is="{$message.location}">
					| from: {xen:string censor, $message.location}
I installed that addon to test this. You can use the updated code I have posted below, but there is a problem in that the status is not shown if the user has no signature. This is the best you can do given how that addon works.

<xen:if is="{$visitor.content_show_signature} && {$message.signature}">
<div class="baseHtml signature ugc">
<xen:if is="{$message.status}">
<div>My status: {$message.status}</div>
<xen:if is="{$message.signature}">
<div>{xen:raw $message.signatureHtml}</div>
messages: {$message.message_count} |
likes: {$message.like_count} |
points: {$message.trophy_points} |
registered: {xen:date $message.register_date}
<xen:if is="{$message.location}">
| from: {xen:string censor, $message.location}
Hi Jake, i wonder if someone dont have a status..whats will display on like "my status"???

Edit: ok....its not display when someone dont update status
An update could be phrase this template edit with for example:

{xen:phrase member_since}: {xen:date $message.register_date}

and the other specific phrases
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