XF 2.2 Help with embedding BB Code Media


Help with embedding BB Code Media

Transfer from the period of adding BB Code Media

But not all attempts were successful

Any Help

It's hard to tell from the screenshot but have you added the {id} to the replacement HTML?
It looks like you are using static content?

Does the site allow for embedded content?
It's hard to tell from the screenshot but have you added the {id} to the replacement HTML?
It looks like you are using static content?

Does the site allow for embedded content?
and that is BB Code Media
  "version": "1.0"،
  "type": "rich"،
  "width": 500،
  "height": 380،
  "title": "Periodic Table - Atomic Number Game"،
  "html": "<iframe src = 'https: //wordwall.net/embed/f761a797b2044686a6f933bbb3880fd2؟ themeId = 42 & ref = oembed' width = '500' height = '380' frameborder = '0' allowfullscreen> </iframe> "،
  " thumbnail_url ":" https: //az779572.vo.msecnd.net/screens-800/f761a797b2044686a6f933bb3880fd2 "،
  " thumbnail_width ": 800،
  " thumbnail_height ": 600،
  "author_name ":" bwatnot "،
  " author_url ":" https://wordwall.net/teacher/1/bwatnot "،
  " Provider_name ":" Wordwall "،
  "Provider_url": "https://wordwall.net"
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