Haven't heard back from D.C Style. Does anyone know if D.C Style is doing ok?


Well-known member
Does anyone know if @D.C Style is doing all right? A couple of weeks ago, we hired him to develop a page builder add-on for us as we found that he is more experienced with front-end development and his skills would have been right up the lane for this add-on.

However, it's been a week past the proposed delivery date, and we haven't been able to contact him regarding the add-on progress. We also see that he's read our messages, but so far gotten no reply from him.

Seeing how D.C took the extra mile to help us when our site went down, we find it is unlikely that he would drop off like this, and we are concerned if he is all right, especially during sensitive times like now with the new covid variant.

In the event that we are unable to complete the project with D.C, is there anyone who is experienced with PHP and front-end skills who wishes to take over the project from here?
Does anyone know if @D.C Style is doing all right? A couple of weeks ago, we hired him to develop a page builder add-on for us as we found that he is more experienced with front-end development and his skills would have been right up the lane for this add-on.

However, it's been a week past the proposed delivery date, and we haven't been able to contact him regarding the add-on progress. We also see that he's read our messages, but so far gotten no reply from him.

Seeing how D.C took the extra mile to help us when our site went down, we find it is unlikely that he would drop off like this, and we are concerned if he is all right, especially during sensitive times like now with the new covid variant.

In the event that we are unable to complete the project with D.C, is there anyone who is experienced with PHP and front-end skills who wishes to take over the project from here?
Dat is a good programmer but has always had the problem of respecting the times
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