Form builder > format all posts in same structure + ALT: required x, y, z fields?


I know I am asking for a lot here - but are there existing mods that would allow me to do this?
I "think" I want every OP to be "built / structured / formatted" the same & include specific / equal data / replies.

Hypothetical example(s)...
THREAD TITLE / TOPIC (examples): Apples vs. Oranges // Apples should be illegal // Apples should be free // etc.

FIELD: ORIGINAL POST // OP = INTRO: (character limited - kinda' like twitter)
FIELD: State the Problem (as you see it):
FIELD: State the Solution (as you see it):

uFIELD1: CREATE NEW (limit 3 or 5):
Field Label: (80 char?)
Field Character Limit (dropdown w/ 3 limits - ie: 144, 512, 1024):

uFIELD2: CREATE NEW (limit 3 or 5):
Field Label: (80 char?)
Field Character Limit (dropdown w/ 3 limits - ie: 144, 512, 1024):

uFIELD3: CREATE NEW (limit 3 or 5):
Field Label: (80 char?)
Field Character Limit (dropdown w/ 3 limits - ie: 144, 512, 1024):

FIELD: FREE TEXT: (typical forum text post box & features)


FIELD: ORIGINAL POST // OP = INTRO: REPLY (character limited)
FIELD: Reply to Problem (as you see it): Character Limit
FIELD: Reply to Solution (as you see it): Character Limit

uFIELD1: REPLY: Character Limit
uFIELD2: REPLY: Character Limit
uFIELD3: REPLY: Character Limit

FIELD: FREE TEXT: (typical forum text post box & features)
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