Flat Awesome Dark - PixelExit.com [Deleted]

For your setup I think this would work:

#eAuthUnit li * {
    text-align: center;
    padding: 0px;

Apply that to your extra.css

Additionally you may need to increase this width:

Style Properties: Login Bar -> External Authentication Button Width

It should help with the steam overlapping that border.

Or... you could just remove that border with this CSS:

body #loginBar form.eAuth .ctrlWrapper {
    border-width: 0px;
Yeah it didn't work can i move the discord button to the side instead of the steam auth button ?
I am wondering something i moved the visitor tabs to the moderator bar. It looks like this now.


But how can i make it look more like this.

May need a login to debug it, our free version doesn't have this built in.

Our paid version has this built inside and aligns correctly out of the box.

If you want to PM me a login I can take a look.
May need a login to debug it, our free version doesn't have this built in.

Our paid version has this built inside and aligns correctly out of the box.

If you want to PM me a login I can take a look.
This is what i changed it to myself with some css. I think it looks good right?

Can you update for 1.5.14 please there seem to be outdated templates. navigation and thread_view.
Edit the Footer template, free style doesn't have our advanced footer setup as the paid one but you can still edit the basic XF links via that template.
Thank you again! Ur support is very much appreciated :D

Is it possible to remove the the quick links menu and just show all menu items? - maybe move the user, messages and notification items to the top at the same time?

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