XF 2.1 First post images do not load by firefox or ios devices


Well-known member
This one i have been trying to pick at for months, but now i finally got to verify it on a proper test enviro so here is the report.

It occurs both with attachments AND gallery embeds. But not happening every single time, making it hard to pin down exactly...

Replicated on default style with all addons disabled.

No errors, just loads the broken image icon by firefox for gallery embeds, and simple image id in place of attachments.....so instead of the image it is just 893027

sometimes a couple images will half load, then stop and all the rest only displaying numbers....

only effects first posts and firefox or ios devices...

any ideas? im stuck :(

not positive which version this first appeared but i know we saw it months ago so i am guessing 2.1.1? possibly....absolutely since 2.1.2.
no server errors in admincp, no browser errors....

yes desktop by firefox, otherwise ios....

not sure what it could possibly be....perhaps file size triggering it or something? also in the process of compressing all server images, perhaps that will just "magically fix it" ....not sure what else to try as a test :(
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