Firefox not randomly generating passwords


Well-known member
I've noticed this a few times recently, while updating passwords. Firefox generating the same password for a different account on the forum (was updating my spare accounts). This is annoying - aren't they supposed to be all randomly generated/different?

So is there something wrong with my Firefox account or do others have this?
I have not really used FF's password manager much but I am switching browsers as part of migrating my laptop to Linux so can give it a try sometime. Can't promise tonight, though. Got other things happening.
I've noticed this a few times recently, while updating passwords. Firefox generating the same password for a different account on the forum (was updating my spare accounts). This is annoying - aren't they supposed to be all randomly generated/different?

So is there something wrong with my Firefox account or do others have this?
I have not encountered that.
I've noticed this a few times recently, while updating passwords. Firefox generating the same password for a different account on the forum (was updating my spare accounts). This is annoying - aren't they supposed to be all randomly generated/different?

So is there something wrong with my Firefox account or do others have this?
So I tried changing two accounts on my site (my test account and my live account) and it did, indeed, give the same password for both. But when I went to another site that is completely unrelated (doesn't even use Xenforo), it used a different one. So maybe if you're in the same session on the same site it doesn't generate a new password? Weird, though. Logging out of one account that you changed then into another to change it should be a new session really. Have you tried changing tabs or closing and reopening FF before changing the next account?

That said, I guess how often does one change multiple passwords on the same site in the same session. For all I know, it doesn't work properly in Chrome either because I have never actually tried it.
I've noticed this a few times recently, while updating passwords. Firefox generating the same password for a different account on the forum (was updating my spare accounts). This is annoying - aren't they supposed to be all randomly generated/different?

So is there something wrong with my Firefox account or do others have this?
It's the default behavour for Firefox and in my view a potential security risk.

It's been reported multiple times but there appears to be no desire to fix it e.g.
Thanks. I suppose I should look at a different password manager. The firefox one has been very useful but it's been doing a few annoying things recently. Like saving some logins twice - once for a username and once for an email address. And just seems a bit buggy right now generally.
Like saving some logins twice - once for a username and once for an email address. And just seems a bit buggy right now generally.
It's not particularly intuitive when a secondary form of verification is employed which often results in a prompt to save new details. If for example 2FA via SMS is employed, it may well prompt you to save your phone number and 6 digit code as the new login for that site but at least in this case you do get a prompt.

It's also worth noting that all your passwords are saved as plain text in Firefox but then again I believe it's the same for other browsers with built in managers, Chrome being one of them.
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