External logins? Also a license question


New member
We're planning a migration from Invision to XF, but we also want to centralize forum accounts for some other services we have and also planning for. We're going to be using Keycloak as our central IdP for the other services.

Would it be better to migrate accounts first to XF from Invision after import and then move the accounts to Keycloak? Or should we migrate accounts from Invision to Keycloak and then to XF? I'm struggling trying to envision (ha!) how the importer works in the second scenario.

As for the licensing question, because my site/group has had issues with trusting another administrative user, we want to keep everything in a neutral account that other admins can "have access." Does the license portal accept sub-accounts or otherwise designated users to get support, pay invoices, etc.? With Invision, this is possible, though I'm unsure what the sub accounts directly have access to on their community since I'm the direct license holder right now. Further, would the sub-account be a completely new account or would I be able to use an existing account (i.e., this one) as a sub-account?
Regarding Keycloak, it has no effect on XF which order you do things in.

As far as importing is concerned, XF and the software being imported just need to be on the same server.

Does the license portal accept sub-accounts or otherwise designated users to get support, pay invoices, etc.?
No, only a single log in is used for customer accounts.

What a lot of customers do is use a generic email such as admin@domain.com with a named person on the account.
The named person can be updated at any time as required, if the person leaves the organisation for example.
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