php 8.1 - no work
php 8.2 - no work
i use debian 12
use XF\Install\App;
$phpVersion = phpversion();
if (version_compare($phpVersion, '7.2.0', '<'))
die("PHP 7.2.0 or newer is required. $phpVersion does not meet this requirement. Please ask your host to upgrade PHP.");
$rootDir = realpath(DIR . '/..');
require $rootDir . '/src/XF.php';
php modules = good. check
XenForo® system requirements test
Requirements met
Your server meets all of XenForo's PHP requirements.
However, the following warnings should be noted - you may need to ask your host to address these:
We recommend PHP 8.3 or newer but you are currently running PHP 8.1.31. If possible, please ask your host to upgrade PHP.
PHP extension(s) 'gmp' are required for push notifications support.
XenForo also requires MySQL 5.7 or newer. Please manually check that you meet this requirement.
how i can resolve this trouble?
php 8.2 - no work
i use debian 12
use XF\Install\App;
$phpVersion = phpversion();
if (version_compare($phpVersion, '7.2.0', '<'))
die("PHP 7.2.0 or newer is required. $phpVersion does not meet this requirement. Please ask your host to upgrade PHP.");
$rootDir = realpath(DIR . '/..');
require $rootDir . '/src/XF.php';
php modules = good. check
XenForo® system requirements test
Requirements met
Your server meets all of XenForo's PHP requirements.
However, the following warnings should be noted - you may need to ask your host to address these:
We recommend PHP 8.3 or newer but you are currently running PHP 8.1.31. If possible, please ask your host to upgrade PHP.
PHP extension(s) 'gmp' are required for push notifications support.
XenForo also requires MySQL 5.7 or newer. Please manually check that you meet this requirement.
how i can resolve this trouble?