XF 2.1 Enlarge Unfurl Image Size?


Active member
Looking to change the size of the preview image in the unfurl command and make it larger. I'd also like to change the size of the table that the unfurl data is shown in as well, make it larger too.
Anyone have an answer for this? I e-mailed support, they said "Sorry, that's a customization".

Pretty sure all I need to do is add a line in extra.less, but I don't know what that should be.

Surely I can't be the only one who thinks these unfurl images are way too small?!?
OK, so after days of research and scrutinizing templates, I found the top secret answer. Why somebody from XF couldn't have just told us this, I'm not really sure.

Here's the "modification".
Search your templates for the template "bb_code_tag_url_unfurl"

Look for the line:
<div class="contentRow-figure contentRow-figure--fixedSmall js-unfurl-figure">

Replace it with:
<div class="contentRow-figure contentRow-figure--fixedLarge js-unfurl-figure">

You're done. Your unfurl images will now be 200 pixels. There's also a "Medium" flavor, should you so choose. I think it's obvious how that would work.
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