Lack of interest Easily find bookmarks with search, highlight, other...

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Well-known member
This is really one suggestion, easily finding bookmarks, with 3 bullet points.
  • When you enter a Bookmark message (note as I call it) it replaces the default message text (the post body). When you look at the page there is no way to denote your own messages. It is just a page of italicized text. It all blends together. What would be great if they could be highlighted (see screenshot).
  • If you could search Bookmarks by titles and the text that appears including your own messages, that would be be super cool. The same idea here, finding things easily.
  • Tag cloud so you remember what you used (or labels, as you call them). Or at least auto-complete in the label field.
Here's a quick mock-up of highlighting the messages (technically with this method you could even keep the default message, which could prove useful as well).

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