Drift - Dark

Drift - Dark

No permission to download
Extra Portal Home icon still not yet centered.
Old Problem: http://xenforo.com/community/threads/drift-dark-paid.61183/page-6#post-776278

Question: How to use and replace all font style to //fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Droid+Sans:400,700 ?

Go to UI.X Typography, add: Droid+Sans:400,700 to the google fonts input, and then set both primary and secondary fonts to: 'Droid Sans', Arial, Helvetica, 'sans-serif'

This is kind of a tough issue to fix. Because who knows how much content the postbit will contain. We are aware of this though and will try and fix it in the future.
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If I wanted to use Drift Dark as my 2nd style, Drift Lift being the first (default). Should Drift Dark be a child of Drift Light or a child to a parent of itself.
Please review my forum, right now if a page have sidebar like forum_list, Notices will display beside it.
How can I force it to display full width and do not display beside the sidebar?
Let Notices appear full and just display the sidebar below.

Please review my forum, right now if a page have sidebar like forum_list, Notices will display beside it.
How can I force it to display full width and do not display beside the sidebar?
Let Notices appear full and just display the sidebar below.

Simple enough but it requires a template edit. Go inside page_container, find all the code involving notices, and move outside of .mainContainer.
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I changed my sidebar width to 300px, but the sidebar doesn't look good on small/mobile view.
Please advice @Audentio

Not even centered.
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Can you please Fix this... when i click on a forum topic it messes up like that.. but it gets fixed when i click the forum tab at the top
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