XF 2.0 Dohtheme Header message only on specific page


Hi lovely Xenforo Community,

I have a Theme from DohTheme. They have beautiful themes but the ticket support is bad.

I want to show the header message, which is defined the height 550px, only on one page. (Starting Page- which is on my site EWR-Porta)
In the Dohtheme settings is it only possible to hide it for all or nothing.

My website https://bullboss.de

This is defined in the template extra.less:

.header--proxy {
    position: relative;
    <xf:if is="property('dt_guest_message')">
    height: 550px;
    <xf:else />
    height: 285px;
    background: transparent url('{{ property('dt_mere_header_bg') }}') no-repeat center/cover;
    background-attachment: fixed;
    margin-top: -170px;
    z-index: 2;

I know from Xenforo 2conditionals this one

<xf:if is="$template == 'X'">
    Show content..

Is is possible with coding to solve this?
Please help.

Love XF2.

Best regards,
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