XF 2.0 Distinctive Browser Tab

Diana Cox

I'd like to make the browser tab (if that's what it's called - the tab that allows you to switch between websites on your browser when you have multiple windows open) look distinctive - nothing fancy, but not the generic folded page thing. How do I do that? I've gone through the Admin options and didn't see anything, and a search of the site mostly brings up unrelated matters.

(Slowly but surely getting my forum to look good! Over 1000 members so far! Got the emails from the old dying Yahoo Groups Egroup that the old folks' home residents use to get turned into an RSS feed so the smart folks who've signed up with the XF community message board can read and respond to the email posts without leaving the message board - even got rid of the Yahoo logos and Egroup links junk from the email feed. The most recent YG outage - 48 hours - may be convincing more people to move - the Egroup has nearly 7000 members, most of whom don't participate because it's so annoying.)
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