XF 2.2 Custom BB-code for Pull-Quotes?


I have been hacking at trying to make a magazine-style pull-quote BB-Code for our site. I came up with this, which is OK but serviceable.

Here is the code I'm using:

<div class=pullquote">
<hr />
<p style="text-align:center"><span style="color:#0000ff"><span style="font-family:Georgia,serif"><em><strong><span style="font-size:26px">
&ldquo; {text} &rdquo;
<hr />

1635512599037.pngWhat I would really like to have is something like this, which this Website shows how to code — if I were marginally HTML competent:
HTML Dog, Pull Quotes

The problem is I can't get the code to work as a custom BB-code. Any help will be much appreciated.

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