
Countdown [Paid] 2.8

No permission to buy ($35.00)
Is there any way of controlling which fields are shown?
My forums doesn't use months (would prefer weeks to months but...) and certainly doesn't need the seconds field and I was wondering we could have these fields as optional please?
I installed the countdown addon and its not showing the countdown. I only see the title link. Everything else was set up correctly, including the widget. I'm running Xenforo 2.2. @AndyB

Can someone help?
Thank you for this addon, will be very useful for the days to come.
I would like to know if it is responsive to mobiles.
Thank you
This doesn't appear to take into account the member's timezone.

I recently installed it and have a timer set up to end at 5PM today. I'm in the UK, as are most of my site's members. So they see the time correctly, currently showing around three hours left.

But I have a member in the US, five hours behind, who's just told me it's showing eight hours remaining.

Members in Australia have seen the timer get to zero.

The countdown seems to be based on the time set on the device used to view the site.

This makes it pretty much useless unless all your site's visitors are in the same country.

How to fix this?
Been having consistent HTTP 500 errors with the manage countdown page lately. It'll randomly break and then work again after refreshing the page multiple times. No errors shown on the admin panel. I'm a little baffled.

Misunderstanding on my end, as the countdown plugin we used has been replaced with another one and as such, this report is moot.
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Specified the correct date and time for the countdown and it's off by 4 months and some days. Very weird. Date on server is correct as well.



Edit: Don't use 2400 as the hour. LOL, military time habit.
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@AndyB is there a way to increase the size of the countdown timer? I have this widget referenced in two locations on our site, but would like one page to have this "jumbo sized" and the other size what it is today.
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