XF 2.1 Change the default index.php (.htaccess)



I'm coming to you for help because it's been a few days that I have this problem on my forum xenforo.

Let me explain :

I installed the xenporta addon, so far so good but the problem is that I can not put the news of xenporta home page of my forum.
However, I modified in the xenforo options the home page by https://mysite.fr/index.php?ewr-porta/
But nothing changes, and even worse the page tells me: The requested page could not be found.

So I have two possibilities:

- Modified the page of xenporta by https://mysite.fr
- Make a htaccess for redirected people from https://mysite.fr to https://mysite.fr/index.php?ewr-porta/

Could you help me find a solution?

thanks in advance, sorry for my bad English
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