Category Conditional Problem


Active member

I have a little Problem with an conditional. I hab a look at Brogans FAQ (Thanks for that!) and found this one:

How can I show content in a specific category?
<xen:if is="{$category.node_id} == x">
This content will show in category x
Note that in order for this to work, you must have categories set as pages in the ACP -> Options -> Node & Forum List: Create Pages for Categories.

This is exactly what I need. So I tried this for my Logo to change depending in which category the visitors are. This is my code in the logo_block template:

<xen:if is="{$category.node_id} == 54">
<div id="logo"><a href="/categories/world-of-warcraft.54/">
                <span><xen:comment>This span fixes IE vertical positioning</xen:comment></span>
                <img src="/styles/onlinegilde/wow_logo.png" alt="{$xenOptions.boardTitle}" />
<xen:elseif is="{$category.node_id} == 39" />
<div id="logo"><a href="/categories/world-of-warcraft.54/">
                <span><xen:comment>This span fixes IE vertical positioning</xen:comment></span>
                <img src="/styles/onlinegilde/d3_logo.png" alt="{$xenOptions.boardTitle}" />
<xen:else />
<div id="logo"><a href="{$logoLink}">
                <span><xen:comment>This span fixes IE vertical positioning</xen:comment></span>
                <img src="@headerLogoPath" alt="{$xenOptions.boardTitle}" />

But it do not work. I tried to change the logo for a specific forum with this code:

<xen:if is="{$forum.node_id} == 26">
<div id="logo"><a href="/categories/world-of-warcraft.54/">
                <span><xen:comment>This span fixes IE vertical positioning</xen:comment></span>
                <img src="/styles/onlinegilde/wow_logo.png" alt="{$xenOptions.boardTitle}" />
<xen:else />
<div id="logo"><a href="{$logoLink}">
                <span><xen:comment>This span fixes IE vertical positioning</xen:comment></span>
                <img src="@headerLogoPath" alt="{$xenOptions.boardTitle}" />

And that worked. So is there a XenForo Problem with the category conditional or do I miss something?

Thanks for help!

The string might not be available in the header template, you can always set a var for it in the template where it works, and use that in the header template.

But the difference between forum id and category id, I will always use forum id.
Categories will probably only work when you have the option set to make a page for categories rather than an anchor link.
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