XF 2.0 Bulk email failed after only 15 of 64 sent.

Mr Lucky

Well-known member
I created a bulk email (only 64 users) and it appeared to be sending until I got a 503 error. I m using mailgun SMPTE.

I checked my mailguin logs and only 15 had been sent. Does anyone please know what might cause this?

Your number 15 reminds me of the limit that our previous hosting service allowed in their email system. It drove me nuts. I had to chop up our list of 385 members into groups of 15...I've been told if you want to keep from getting your from email address blacklisted, you're limited to 15. I was also told to stay white listed you have to subscribe to an email system designed specifically for the purpose of email marketing. A co-worker told me this. I wouldn't know directly; I'm just the data guy here. We then later subscribed to a GoDaddy email marketing service and we are very satisfied.
Your number 15 reminds me of the limit that our previous hosting service allowed in their email system. It drove me nuts. I had to chop up our list of 385 members into groups of 15...I've been told if you want to keep from getting your from email address blacklisted, you're limited to 15.

I don't think that's the case here, 64 should be fine with mailgun, and just checked the logs they are all sent.
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