Bottom footer edits + Share This Page


Well-known member
Can I add Facebook/youbue/twitter links without installing an add-on ?
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What do I edit to bring the terms and rules and privacy policy on the same line as contact us + change the order if I want to?
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How can I add a link + youtube logo in the share this page below? Also to align them, 2 links side by side. So it's like:

Twitter - Facebook
Google+ - YouTube
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What do I edit to bring the terms and rules and privacy policy on the same line as contact us + change the order if I want to?
You will be required to edit the footer template.

Admin Control Panel -> Appearance -> Styles & Templates -> Templates -> footer

Search and remove:

<xen:if is="{$tosUrl}"><li><a href="{$tosUrl}">{xen:phrase terms_and_rules}</a></li></xen:if>
<xen:if is="{$xenOptions.privacyPolicyUrl}"><li><a href="{$xenOptions.privacyPolicyUrl}">{xen:phrase privacy_policy}</a></li></xen:if>

Then add it in the position that you wish from this list :

<ul class="footerLinks">
<xen:hook name="footer_links">
<xen:if is="{$xenOptions.contactUrl.type} === 'default'">
<li><a href="{xen:link 'misc/contact'}" class="OverlayTrigger" data-overlayOptions="{&quot;fixed&quot;:false}">{xen:phrase contact_us}</a></li>
<xen:elseif is="{$xenOptions.contactUrl.type} === 'custom'" />
<li><a href="{$xenOptions.contactUrl.custom}" {xen:if {$xenOptions.contactUrl.overlay}, 'class="OverlayTrigger" data-overlayOptions="{&quot;fixed&quot;:false}"'}>{xen:phrase contact_us}</a></li>
<xen:if is="{$homeLink}"><li><a href="{$homeLink}">{xen:phrase home}</a></li></xen:if>
<li><a href="{$requestPaths.requestUri}#navigation">{xen:phrase go_to_top}</a></li>
<li><a href="{xen:link forums/-/index.rss}" rel="alternate" class="globalFeed" target="_blank"
title="{xen:phrase rss_feed_for_x, 'title={$xenOptions.boardTitle}'}">{xen:phrase rss}</a></li>
<li><a href="{$tosUrl}">{xen:phrase terms_and_rules}</a></li>
<li><a href="{$xenOptions.privacyPolicyUrl}">{xen:phrase privacy_policy}</a></li>

I recommend you read this:

How can I add a link + youtube logo in the share this page below?
You can edit the "sidebar_share_page" template (someone, correct me if I'm wrong because I did not confirm this).
Thanks for the above code.

I'm trying to shift the code below so it is on the same line as the footer code above, but when I move it, it doesn't display so perfectly.
<div class="footerLegal">
    <div class="pageWidth">
        <div class="pageContent">
            <div id="copyright">{xen:phrase xenforo_copyright}</div>
            <ul id="legal">
            <xen:hook name="footer_links_legal">

The padding (space) between the forum bottom and the footer is too close, it doesn't display like the Contact Us etc links.

I'm doing something wrong, can't figure it out, even tried editing the .css, still no luck.

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