[OzzModz] Auto Thread Thumbnail [Deleted]

oh i see, looks good,

i thought it was different widget

still hoping for new post widget someday

Not able to activate thread thumbnail Key via ADMIN CP
it requires allow_url open and this parameter is set to NO on my server for security purpose.
I purchased this today and installed it on my development environment on an XF install on my local PC, a little buggy but got it working THEN installed it on my live site and it when I go to put the activation key in it errors with a "You have already reached the maximum activation" message

This is not good and doesn't allow for a localhost development environment so now I have to hop[e the developer will reset it and in fact stays around providing support...now I am stuck
Please note my review was done at a moment of frustration however I cant change it now but the issue was fixed by the developer
Not able to activate thread thumbnail Key via ADMIN CP
it requires allow_url open and this parameter is set to NO on my server for security purpose.
No response from developper since 1 month. I purchased this addon and not able to activate it :/
UP! I purchased this addon and not able to activate it.
i were having bad time and this all thing happen @kankan i have already write the everything on my profile why i din't response and for the active
did you ever try to contact me on live chat on my site ?even my signature say it -
For support please contact via PM on XF PM or live chat on xenbros.com Only
Live at approx - 12PM to 12AM at Indian timezone
I wanted to first thank you for adding all the features and time you took, works everything still like a charm! :)

I have only one question, is it possible that it produces downsized thumbnails?
Because i use it for News Widget on the landingpage, and every aricle hast like 3mb picture together they summ up to 15mb, which is not good for SEO :p
I think this is important for SEO :S
I wanted to first thank you for adding all the features and time you took, works everything still like a charm! :)

I have only one question, is it possible that it produces downsized thumbnails?
Because i use it for News Widget on the landing page, and every article hast like 3mb picture together they sum up to 15mb, which is not good for SEO :p
I think this is important for SEO :S
Thanks for kind word of yours. and don't forget to review the addon if you really like it :) but i think it's already implemented to the node section as i remember :D
you can enable it for specific forum.
and about to make a specific thumbnail generate for every post and forum and also it's will be difficult for those forum who already have thousand of post before purchasing my addon. i don't think it's good idea it's just increase your forum size and also it's waste of some time. and if any one want larger image thumbnail or something like that they can increase the xenforo attachment thumbnail size by going in option
I have chosen that option now :p

But those pictures are catched urls, and are even proxy uploaded on my server, any image u post in my forum via a external URL gets downloaded, and proxied by me. So those aren't attachments which aren't handle't by xenforo core.

I am really ok with thumbnails using space since those are just kylobytes big, and space isn't a bottle neck anymore everybody has more spare gigs then they need.
But the SEO kill is harder for me to take and most of the people, as specially for those widgets, it is sad because i have like 5 little 24x24 pixel small images but they are taking 15Megabytes at pageload. (https://cryptoevo.de) which is really hard.
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I have chosen that option now :p

But those pictures are catched urls, and are even proxy uploaded on my server, any image u post in my forum via a external URL gets downloaded, and proxied by me. So those aren't attachments which aren't handle't by xenforo core.

I am really ok with thumbnails using space since those are just kylobytes big, and space isn't a bottle neck anymore everybody has more spare gigs then they need.
But the SEO kill is harder for me to take and most of the people, as specially for those widgets, it is sad because i have like 5 little 24x24 pixel small images but they are taking 15Megabytes at pageload. (https://cryptoevo.de) which is really hard.
well sir it's general addon so i need think for everyone not for only one. and about the url i think you can use a separate addon that convert external image to attachment. andy have that addon so it's up to you now . but yeah if more user ask for that i will think more about this.
well sir it's general addon so i need think for everyone not for only one. and about the url i think you can use a separate addon that convert external image to attachment. andy have that addon so it's up to you now . but yeah if more user ask for that i will think more about this.

Thank you for your open ear :p
Everyone would profit from SEO boost, slow pageload ist nr.1 reason for google downranking, and none of your customers want to be screw their SEO ranking.
I am sure even people who doesn't understand or know, want that feature, even if they can't vocalize their desire.
How much would you want to implement that in the offcial version?
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Hi, I bought this adds-on. Its very good.
But can you tell me, can I choose thumbnail and set it to show in listview?

And can I show thumbnail in widget new post in index?

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Hi, I bought this adds-on. Its very good.
But can you tell me, can I choose thumbnail and set it to show in listview?

And can I show thumbnail in widget new post in index?

if you looking for addon support please contact me on site with verification of purchase :) happy to help there.
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