Auto Lock Threads [Deleted]

How about automatically starting a new thread (Part II, etc.) for the same topic after a given number of messages are posted?

There used to be something one could use with manual setup to accomplish this with XF 1.x.
I was hoping that we would have global one time settings in the admin. I would like to auto-lock all threads in one specific forum after two hours. Unless I'm missing something, manual action is required on a thread by thread basis.

Also, is there a way to open it to all users with one global setting. All I could figure out is that we have to give users permission one at a time.
Dear @au lait,

One question: this can be done automatically?

I want to set some 'global permission' to lock threads with more than 1 year of inactivity. Basically, if the last post have more than one year, the thread will automatically close with this nice little notice.

Is a some kind of reddit approach to avoid bumps.

This can be done?
This is such an useful addon!
We had already used a comparable function in vB3: Some topics in our forums simply drift away in terms of content or where bad moods get out of hand. Then it is right and important to show the users that something is going wrong - a simple comment/message by a moderator in between is often overlooked / ignored in the heat of the moment. With this addon, users clearly recognise that something is going wrong and that they only have a certain amount of time to correct / stop it or the topic will close.

The available other "Auto Close" addons for xf2.2 only close automatically threads in certain forums. However, it is important for us to manually select threads when things go wrong.

The selection of possible intervals even exceeds what we had used before - but they are great!

Just perfect, thank you. If this addon wouldn't exist like this, I would have had it coded. Thank you @au lait, it's such a shame you don't continue. You have a selection of very useful and good addons!
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Is this a bug or intended feature?
I can set the auto lock feature for threads I do not own?
I don't know how you want to use the addon. But usually the right to auto-lock is given to moderators, who of course have to have access to other people's threads.
I don't use this addon to be able to close only my own topics as a user.
A few issues:
1. I just installed this, and the Padlock icon doesn't show up in the spot the screenshot here indicates. Instead there's a little square bit of nothing which I had to guess opens the interface.
2. Not specific to this add-on, but add-on creators evidently LOATH spending 5 or 10 minutes to document their product and explain, step by step, how to use it and where to find the various interfaces. Hint: A screenshot of a disembodied interface with no explanation of where it occurs doesn't cut it.
3. In my test, I applied it to a Forum and I don't see how it does anything but apply a limit to an individual thread.

We'd hoped to be able to apply limits to an entire Forum. Applying the limits thread by thread, on a busy site, would be too much of a pain in the ass. If there's a way to do what we hoped, I don't see it in the screenshots and found no written documentation otherwise. I'd love to find out it actually does that and how to apply it.
au lait submitted a new resource:

Auto Lock Threads - Automatically close thread

Read more about this resource...
This is a very usefull tool for those forum that have many many topics and chapters.

Can you make possible to combine the criteria? example: Auto lock thrad after 6 months OR 4000 messages. So, Time OR numeber of messages.
in this way, the first of two criteria reached make threads auto lock.
another SUGGESTION: can you set the autolock function for "all threads"?
for example, we need that all the discussions have this autolock features. Not over 4000 messages or 6 months. And we have 1million discussions... if is there a function to set autolock in all discussion of the forum, it will be a great thing.
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