Lack of interest Adding number of posts made by user in Edit user details (ACP)

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Well-known member
Within the admin control panel would it be possible to show the number of posts a member has made in 'Edit user details' , eg under 'Last activity:' ?>

This would be helpful in seeing the contribution a member has made to the forum when editing their details.
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I had an email from a member this afternoon wanting their account deleting.
When I searched their username it gave all their account details but not the number of posts they had made.
A quick reference to this would have been handy to see.
You can already see the number of posts (messages) a user has made when editing them in the ACP. Just look in the Profile Info Section where it tells you this (as well as the Likes Received and Trophy Points). This is in both XenForo 1.x and 2.x versions.
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