Lack of interest Adding Moderators

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Well-known member
I don't know if this is already made, but I use vbulletin like many around here. My issue is that when I make a moderator a mod on an individual forums, I have to add him manually to each one. I was wondering if you can make it possible to make it easier and have it so I can check off which forums I want to add the moderator on instead of making it individually as well as be able to remove.

Sorry if this didn't make quite sense, I hope you catch my drift or already have it.
Upvote 2
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It does make sense, it's the same with me, I wouldn't really describe it as a problem, more that it's "fiddly" when you have a lot of forums and several moderators.
Yeah, this isn't an issue if most of your mods are super moderator but otherwise it can be tedious to add them if they moderate multiple forums.
Yeah, this isn't an issue if most of your mods are super moderator but otherwise it can be tedious to add them if they moderate multiple forums.
That is exactly what I am in the process of doing because I am so frustrated with everything only to frustrate myself even more by removing all of them.
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