XF 2.2 Account upgrade takes money but doesn't give benefits


I have set up account upgrades for users. However, when someone purchased an upgrade, they were not put in the "Additional user groups" and they are not listed under "Active user upgrades".

I did get an e-mail from PayPal showing that they did pay.

I see an error in the log, but don't know what it means.

User says the e-mail address <redacted> is correct.

Error: Invalid business or receiver_email.
array(29) {
["transaction_subject"] => string(44) "Account upgrade: Donator (Friendly Engineer)"
["payment_date"] => string(25) "11:13:27 Mar 10, 2023 PST"
["txn_type"] => string(14) "subscr_payment"
["subscr_id"] => string(14) "I-G2GK879DNTEW"
["last_name"] => string(5) "Auger"
["residence_country"] => string(2) "GB"
["item_name"] => string(44) "Account upgrade: Donator (Friendly Engineer)"
["payment_gross"] => string(4) "5.00"
["mc_currency"] => string(3) "USD"
["business"] => string(30) "defcon@defconwarningsystem.com"
["payment_type"] => string(7) "instant"
["protection_eligibility"] => string(8) "Eligible"
["verify_sign"] => string(56) "AAjgpFMc22TbxGEPhBkTdDCfIdQ2AFZXudJulfvPg7U-eoOOg2Dqse0A"
["payer_status"] => string(8) "verified"
["payer_email"] => string(21) "<redacted>"
["txn_id"] => string(17) "0T249279HT900831E"
["receiver_email"] => string(30) "defcon@defconwarningsystem.com"
["first_name"] => string(5) "Billy"
["payer_id"] => string(13) "CRCAPLFLYRPYE"
["receiver_id"] => string(13) "CJU24F8FMVZJQ"
["payer_business_name"] => string(16) "Galilean Servers"
["payment_status"] => string(9) "Completed"
["payment_fee"] => string(4) "0.74"
["mc_fee"] => string(4) "0.74"
["mc_gross"] => string(4) "5.00"
["custom"] => string(32) "_zuByFcMDEXRHPras9EVGGn9q8Ic-KAA"
["charset"] => string(12) "windows-1252"
["notify_version"] => string(3) "3.9"
["ipn_track_id"] => string(13) "f8544107ee977"
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Check the email address you have setup as being allowed to receive payments under XF Admin -> Setup -> Payment profiles -> PayPal. It looks like you have it set to something that's not defcon@defconwarningsystem.com.
Check the email address you have setup as being allowed to receive payments under XF Admin -> Setup -> Payment profiles -> PayPal. It looks like you have it set to something that's not defcon@defconwarningsystem.com.
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