XF 2.1 A Wrench in the Works Regarding Showing or NOT Showing Ads to Users


Active member
A Basic Training on Xenforo indicates that ALL users are Registered and then you tick a sub-group as in Subscriber.

Wonderful and that kind of works as advertised. A user can be in the main Registered Group and if sub-group Subscriber is ticked, they do in fact have Subscriber under their user name.

HOWEVER, I don't show ads to subscribers and If a Subscriber is in the main Registered group with Subscriber as a sub-group, THEY DO IN FACT GET ADS along with the Registered users!

The catch is that ANYONE in the main Registered Group gets ads if Registered is selected. The secondary user group ticked doesn't matter.

If a user is in the MAIN Subscriber Group - NO ADS!

I could be an all wet newbie here, but I think this is a problem!

ACP Ads Display Criteria for User Groups Version 2.1.6 Patch 1.
I took Boolean Algebra in college, but I'm going to need a map to get my head around this one.

Unregistered and Registered get the ads.

Subscribers and Sponsors do not get the ads.
I could be an all wet newbie here, but I think this is a problem!
From what you're describing, it might be simpler for you to use only the second box of "User is NOT a member of..." and then selecting your Subscribers group and any others (like your staff member groups). That way everybody will by default see the ads except for the groups you specify (in other words, opt-out your groups from seeing ads instead of opt-in).
From what you're describing, it might be simpler for you to use only the second box of "User is NOT a member of..." and then selecting your Subscribers group and any others (like your staff member groups). That way everybody will by default see the ads except for the groups you specify (in other words, opt-out your groups from seeing ads instead of opt-in).

that would be too simple for boolean algebra )
For the sake of argument (and mind-clearing) if you only select groups that DON'T get ads, how do any groups get ads if they are NOT selected in the top section? (using opt-out only with NO opt-ins)

Powerful minds must have built XenForo! :rolleyes: I do have some vB3.8 things to add to the user approval section.
For the sake of argument (and mind-clearing) if you only select groups that DON'T get ads, how do any groups get ads if they are NOT selected in the top section? (using opt-out only with NO opt-ins)
When you add an ad, by default all groups see it. Those check boxes only come into play if you want to override that default.

For example, want an ad everybody sees? Create the ad, leave both check boxes off. Want an ad only only guests see? Create the ad and turn on the first check box selecting the unregistered group. In the example of what you're trying to do, just create the ad and then turn on the second box and select the subscribers group.
Dang it Kevin, I have difficulty connecting you with XenForo after all those years on vBulletin, vBAdvanced, PhotoPost, etc.

When you add an ad, by default all groups see it. Those check boxes only come into play if you want to override that default.
Says it all!

Thank you for your help! I appreciate an old-times connection to my learning miseries here. (y)
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