
  1. Baby Community

    I hope you are doing some work on the site… xenforo.com failed host

    Let nothing happen to our xenforo.com home… There was a problem with the site entrance. There is no online Admin either… I HOPE THEY ARE ALWAYS MAKING BACKUP..
  2. ⭐ Alex ⭐

    Bring Back The Previous Favicon On XenForo.com

    The new favicon is unfocused and contains tiny illegible text. Just bring back the original, this one is dark and boring. Wasn't broken why was it fixed?
  3. sub_ubi

    Fixed Error in search results

    Whenever this resource comes up during a search, the display gets messed up: https://xenforo.com/community/resources/add-font-awesome-icons-to-the-navigation.5964/ To reproduce on Xenforo.com, search these two words: awesome navigation
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