web app

  1. JoyFreak

    [JoyFreak] Custom PWA

    Open template PAGE_CONTAINER: Find: <link rel="manifest" href="{{ base_url('webmanifest.php') }}"> Replace: <link rel="manifest" href="{{ base_url('webmanifest.json') }}"> 1. Download the webmanifest.zip and extract the contents onto your desktop. 2. Open file webmanifest.json with notepad...
  2. johndaroza

    Unmaintained Home Screen Installation 2.0.1

    Home Screen Installation This add-on will add your site to the home screen with the relevant icon, full screen behaviors, themes, standalone appearance without browser bar etc. Before installing: Open manifest.json file and edit name, short_name and description is your site name. Of course...
  3. C

    XF 1.5 error 1 from storage engine, azure web app on linux + mySQL

    trying to install xenForo on an Azure Web App (using the one Azure shows in its pre-built list as Web App On Linux + MySQL). initial step of installation went fine, it appeared to think the system configuration was acceptable ('Your configuration has been verified.', with a 'Begin...
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