vbulletin 4

  1. BasilFawlty

    If I decided to switch from VB 4.5.2 to XF - Some question

    I know I am going to be upgrading or changing as VB4 is past end of life and no longer being actively supported. The question is whether to upgrade to VB5 or move to something else, like XF. With that in mind, I have some initial questions (Will probably have more) 1. Can VB4 data be easily...
  2. T

    XF 2.0 vBulletin Forum and Category Link Rewrites Broken

    I have successfully imported everything, and used the XenForo vBulletin 4 Importer, as well as the XenForo Redirects for vBulletin, and finally the DragonByte Tech: SEO Redirects. Everything is working fine, EXCEPT forum category links and forum links. I am under the understanding that these...
  3. X

    XF 1.5 Reimport Threads and Nodes

    We are doing a conversion from vBulletin 4.2.1 to Xenforo. A few month ago, we installed the new Xenforo and did an import from vBulletin. On this development Xenforo install, we have been adjusting settings, changing permissions, etc. We are nearing the point of going live with Xenforo, so...
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