user location

  1. mcatze

    Unmaintained [XT] Membermap

    A membermap based on XenForo user location field with opt-in. Functions Membermap based on Google Maps Geocode, JavaScript and Staticmap API The map use the default XenForo location field with OptIn for every user Permissions and map markers per user group Map marker clustering Choose between 4...
  2. Will Franco

    Member Map: Manual Entry or Geo Combined with Manual

    Does XF have a manual entry member map / pin view map [ add-on ] ? In the perfect world, an addon would (1) enable us to port the data, and (2) us + members add pins. We have this one:
  3. developr

    XF 1.5 Hide Online Location of Members

    Dear Community, is it possible to hide the location of online users? I can not find any permissions. Regards, developr
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