stay logged in

  1. Umar Asari

    XF 1.5 Stay logged in???

    What is benefit of "Stay logged in". Why its says error when I don't click on Stay logged in?
  2. B

    XF 1.5 "Stay Logged In" Not Working

    Hi folks, I run a forum running Xenforo 1.5.0 and previously I was on 1.4.5. Many of my users and me are facing an issue where the stay logged in feature is not functioning and each member must login each time he or she visits the forum. I'd like to know if there is any solution you folks can...
  3. B

    How to stay active/logged in, while use a own xenforo template and controller

    I created a new template and controller by my XenForo, but when I do something on this "new" page/url, after some time I am logged out. How to prevent this, or how (for example) to reset the time of the cookie or session with the logged in information while I use my own controllers and...
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