rss new posts feed

  1. V

    XF 2.2 RSS Feed Importer to posts

    Questuon 1. Is there a way so that the RSS Feed Importer can be configured so the RSS items are posted one after the other as messages into a single thread. Currently every RSS item is posted as an individual thread. We have to manually merge threads so it looks somewhat in order. Question...
  2. Black Tiger

    XF 2.2 Does XF has a "new posts rss feed" to present to IFTTT for example?

    I can't imagine Xen does not have this yet, but maybe I'm missing it because I read somewhere there is something like that. I need an RSS feed to use with IFTTT. So guest should be able to visit this. I don't mind if it's a hidden url. My other software can create feeds from about anything...
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