
  1. XDinc

    Unmaintained [XTR] Turkish Friendly URL 1.0.4

    Change URL structure for Turkish characters. Works everywhere (forums, threads, etc.), with minimal conflict. Warnings Don't upgrade this add-on with old versions (File directories have been changed.) Compatible XF versions is 2.2.x Before install make sure, Use full friendly URLs option is...
  2. Ovunc Dinc

    Unmaintained Custom URL Romanization 2.0.2

    This add-on will romanize URL character for XF2. Works everywhere (forums, threads, etc.), with minimal conflict. For those who have similar demands regarding url romanization simply modify it to your own need by modifying the src/addons/TurkishFriendlyLink/listener.php file. Note: Testing...
  3. ibnesayeed

    Lack of interest Alternate URL Scheme For Tags

    As discussed in the "Thread Tag Canonicalization Not Suitable For Every Language" thread, I would like to suggest an option to set an alternate URL scheme for tags that is in line with other contents such as resources, forums, threads, media etc. /tags/unmodified-tag.ID This will be very helpful...
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