
  1. Sim

    Unit testing XenForo addons - tutorial

    Compatibilty For XenForo v2.1 addons, you should use Unit Test Framework v1.x For XenForo v2.2 addons, you should use Unit Test Framework v2.x Upgrading Unit Test Framework v2.1 The TestCase.php and CreatesApplication.php files have been updated in v2.1 and you should edit these files in...
  2. Earl

    PHPUnit on Proxy Classes (XFCP)

    is it possible to use unit tests on XFCP_ControllerPublic_XXX classes? these are my settings phpunit.xml <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <phpunit backupGlobals="false" backupStaticAttributes="true" colors="false" convertErrorsToExceptions="true"...
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