news ticker

  1. B

    Add-on Prefix-based News Ticker

    Hello, I would like to know if anyone knows of an add-on that offers me the following function: I'm looking for a news ticker, for example as a ticker (at the top or in the sidebar) which takes over the thread title with the prefix "News". Whenever a thread is created with the prefix "News", I...
  2. A

    XF 2.1 Auto News add-on?!

    Hello, I have a simple question: I would like to show latest google news - about a specific search term - in my forum. I want to display this in its own category (forum). Is that possible? Is there an add-on, that fetches these specific news / articles from google, and makes them (or at...
  3. Jay™

    News Ticker

    Is there such an app for XenForo as I have in the attached screenshot? I have tried a couple here but not close to this. This one you can have in any forum position and use RSS to grab news from most feeds, this one is from an old IPS site I'm converting.
  4. Ozzy47

    [Ozzmodz] News Tickers 2.2.1

    There are multiple News Tickers that let you add as many sources as you want, from RSS to social media accounts and even custom news. With dozens of options for each news ticker, you can control almost all aspects of each ticker to make it fit your style and needs. Each news ticker has its own...
  5. S

    Unmaintained WBB - News Ticker 1.0

    The plugin allows you to show new thread in the forum header. Features Can change welcome message and descriptions. Animation speed setting. Show / hide mobile device setting. Supports hide / show add-on. Link and title color can be changed. Links and link headings can be changed...
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