native app

  1. Cylon native cliente for Xenforo is in beta phase and looking for testers

    Dear friends of Xenforo, after a long time developing a native client for Xenforo, we have finally reached the beta phase. The Android and iOS client apps are stable and being tested in a limited number of productive forums. But we need more feedback, and as a result, we are looking for beta...
  2. Aayush

    ForumApps presents Native XenForo Apps for iOS and Android

    Tired of hearing your users complain about not having a native mobile app for your forum? Don’t want to give out your data to Tapatalk anymore? Gone are the days of Tapatalk and your users’ data on their servers. The long awaited native XenForo apps for iOS and Android with push notifications...
  3. jauburn

    Xenforo app

    I'm wondering whether Xenforo sees a mobile app as something that should be left to third-party developers or whether an app will be offered or included in a future update--like 2.0.
  4. Ludachris

    Implemented...ish Making the case for a XF native app

    I know XF is forum software, and I understand that forums are fundamentally different than social media. I know that Tapatalk is a viable option for many forum owners. I've tried it but it wasn't the right solution for my site, mainly because it doesn't work with various plugins that website...
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